Does sleeping make you taller? - 01/2024


While genetics undoubtedly play a significant role in determining our height, it’s important to recognize that our stature is not solely governed by our genes. Factors such as nutrition, hormones, and physical activity have long been acknowledged as influential in our growth and development. But what about something as seemingly unrelated as sleep? Can the amount and quality of our rest affect our height? In this article, we will explore the intriguing connection between sleep and height, shedding light on the surprising ways in which our bedtime habits may impact our vertical growth. So, if you’ve ever wondered whether your nightly slumber has any bearing on your stature, read on to uncover the fascinating insights into this lesser-known aspect of human development.

Does sleeping make you taller?


On one hand, everyone sleeps, but not everyone can become tall. On the other hand, although sleeping doesn’t directly make you taller, it can make you healthier, which eventually enhances your overall growth. If you are still in your growing years, lack of sleep can interfere with the cognitive development of your body.


Does lack of sleep stunt your growth?

YES, but not in the way you think. One night of barely any sleep won’t stop you from developing. However, because growth hormone is frequently released when you sleep, your growth may be impeded over time if you don’t get enough sleep. Growth hormone is inhibited when someone habitually receives little sleep, a condition known as sleep deprivation.

Studies have connected sleep deprivation to diabetes and obesity [1]. In addition, if you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t be able to concentrate in class and have energy for sports and other activities.

How to sleep correctly

Sleeping time

The amount of sleeping time is different for different age groups. The average amount of sleep that most individuals need is 8 hours, however, it is fine to sleep an hour less or more than this time.

Here is the chart of recommended sleep schedules for nine age groups:

Age range Recommended hours of sleep
Preschool 3 – 5 years old 10 – 13
School-age 6 – 13 years old 9 – 11
Teenager 14 – 17 years old 8 – 10
Young adult 18 – 25 years old 7 – 9
Adult 26 – 64 years old 7 – 9
Older adult 65 or more years old 7 – 8

Sleeping positions

Sleeping positions can deeply affect your posture, making you appear taller or shorter than you actually are. Here are some sleeping positions you should avoid:

The fetal position

This position is especially harmful to your posture, especially your hips, knees, and back. You could develop back pain if you keep spending a lot of time in this position.

Sleeping on your front

It is not advisable to sleep on your front because this position might restrict breathing and cause an abnormal bend in the spine. Another explanation for this curve is when the head shifts to one side when sleeping. This action can cause neck pain, inflammation, and back discomfort. Therefore, it is not recommended to sleep on your front. However, if you have to sleep in this position, do it in a short period of time, and place a cushion under your chest or abdomen.

To improve your posture, here are some sleeping positions you should do:

Sleeping on your side

This position is quite relaxing and good for your health for many reasons. When you sleep on your side, your chest remains straight and your spine is stretched in a natural position. This position also helps you to avoid chronic neck, back, and shoulder problems. Your head and neck will be further supported if you use an ergonomic pillow. In addition, putting a cushion between your knees will help to support your lower back, hips, and pelvis.

Sleeping on your back

Given that resting flat on your back helps to keep your spine in a normal position, this is the second position that can support your posture Additionally, raising your head with a cushion can lessen acid reflux-related problems.

Methods to sleep better


Try aromatherapy

People who struggle to fall asleep frequently come to aromatherapy, which uses essential oils to promote relaxation. Aromatherapy is useful for enhancing sleep quality, according to a comprehensive evaluation of 12 trials. This is a new yet worth-considering technique, especially if you suffer from chronic insomnia.

Use dietary supplements

Utilizing nutritional supplements is another easy way to improve deep sleep. There are several nutritional products on the market that claim to enhance sleep quality. They often include critical sleep vitamins like melatonin, magnesium, ashwagandha, and valerian that help your body to relax at bedtime. If you are experiencing a constant lack of sleep, this is something you ought to try immediately.

Use the 4-7-8 breathing method

To increase the quality of your sleep, try to breathe deeply before bed. You can try practicing breathing in the following steps:

  • Place the tongue’s tip between your upper front teeth.
  • When you exhale through your mouth, make a “Whoosh” noise.
  • As you breathe in through your nose, mentally count to four.
  • Holding your breath, mentally count to seven.
  • When fully breathing, count to eight.
  • At least repeat this three more times.

Methods to grow taller


Stretching frequently will help to increase your height if the growth plates in your bones are still open. If you have reached maturity, stretching, however, cannot make you taller. Instead, they lengthen, relax, and stretch your muscles, which may give the impression that you are tall.

Eating healthy

Height is greatly influenced by genetics. Certain foods won’t increase people’s height after they reach maturity and stop growing. However, a person can grow to their maximum height if they follow the appropriate diet. Eggs, dairy products, and almonds are a few items that can have an immense impact on your height.


Even though there is no assurance that exercising will make you taller, there are a few specific exercises that, when performed correctly, offer incredible benefits because they help to stretch your spine, and make your body more flexible.

Practice good posture

Aside from easing tension and reducing neck and back pain, good posture can change your height. If your back is straight, you can gain a greater height of as much as two inches. If poor posture is not corrected over a long period, such as walking with rounded shoulders and a stooped back, it may eventually cause a permanent loss of height. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to how you stand, sit, and sleep if you want to maintain a pain-free and comfortable lifestyle.

Use dietary supplements

To support overall growth and increase height, you can use dietary supplements. We all know vitamins play a significant role in one’s growth and development. However, it isn’t easy to get enough vitamins as well as all the required nutrients through your daily meals. This is when multivitamin supplements come in to fill the nutrient gap. Using multivitamin supplements can make you healthier and even grow taller. Here are some growth-increasing supplements that are highly recommended: NuBest Tall, Height Growth Maximizer, and Peak Rise.

In conclusion,

Sleep helps your body and brain function at their best. Your ability to learn, concentrate, make decisions, and be creative can all be improved with a good night’s sleep. Getting a deep rest daily is highly essential to your height as well as your overall growth. To grow taller and healthier, you should also exercise every day, and engage in different sports activities like aerobics, cycling, and swimming.

Mike Nikko is a blogger with over 15 years of experience. I will bring you the best product reviews and other useful life experiences, tips to increase height, tips to improve health... If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mike Nikko!

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