What Is The Average Height For 14-Year-Old Children? - 01/2024


Monitoring your children’s growth is a crucial responsibility for parents, particularly during the tumultuous years of puberty. This transformative phase can significantly impact their future height development, making it essential to keep a watchful eye. Puberty, however, is not a one-size-fits-all journey, and its timing can vary widely between girls and boys, typically occurring between the ages of 8 to 14.

For many teenage girls, puberty tends to conclude around the age of 14, marking a significant turning point in their physical development. But what about teenage boys? How do their growth patterns compare, and what can parents expect? In this article, we’ll delve into these questions and explore the average height of 14-year-old boys and girls to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of this critical phase in your child’s life.

What is the standard height at age 14?


The average height for 14-year-old boys

The average height for a 14-year-old boy is 64.5 inches. And he can expect to grow 5 more inches when he is 20.

But there is bad news when some boys stop growing much earlier between 13 and 15 years old. That is why parents and children must be aware of the average height range for this age. As a result, they can determine whether or not they are on track to reach their full height potential.

The average height for 14-year-old girls

Female growth is often fast in childhood, and when they reach puberty at about 8, it speeds up promptly. And at 14 or a couple of years after the first menstruation, they attain their adult height. The average height for a 14-year-old girl is 62.5 inches.

How to calculate standard height and weight (BMI)?

BMI, also called Body Mass Index, is a measurement calculated using height and weight to help you know whether you are at a healthy weight, overweight, or underweight.

BMI = your weight divided by your height squared.

Or you can use an online calculator.

For a boy who has just turned 14, BMI is anything between 16 and 23.5 is a healthy weight. Meanwhile, girls tend to be smaller than boys. So, their healthy range is between 15.8 and 23.2.


How to grow taller at 14?

The truth is that many teens are not satisfied with their height. That is why we move to this part to help 14-year-old children to improve their height.

Set a routine

Routine is vital to help kids spend the day cooperatively and learn the necessary skills. It also makes them feel safe because they know what is going on. Even if there is any change – expected or unexpected – they easily get through a new situation.

Start a new day with a kick-off exercise, healthy breakfast, go to school, get back home, and engage in physical activities.

Consume nutritious meals

Eating healthily is vital to maintaining your children’s overall health and also improving their height.

  • Every meal should include protein to support height growth and development. Lean meat, eggs, low-fat milk, tofu, nut butter, unsalted nuts, dairy products, and quinoa are yummy high-protein foods.
  • A diet rich in zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and manganese helps growth effectively. Try adding leafy green veggies, poultry, and legumes to your dish daily.
  • Fish, orange juice, dairy products, low-fat milk, mushrooms, and green veggies are foods rich in vitamin D and calcium. These nutrients play a vital role in making your arms and legs lengthen.
  • Healthy fats in nuts, avocadoes, olives, fatty fish, seeds, and plant and vegetable oil deliver the highest source of concentrated calories. Adding these healthy fats ensures you stand tall.

Never skip breakfast

Breakfast is crucial because it improves your energy levels and ability to focus in the short term. But if you skip it often, you might face up to issues like loss of concentration, fatigue, weight gain, and nutrient deficiencies in the long run. That is why you need to maintain a hearty breakfast to promote metabolism and enhance the absorption of nutrients. As a result, this might boost height gain.

Avoid eating too much sugar

Sugar only adds extra calories without giving any good nutrients. And it is easily found in baked goods, store-bought sweets, sodas, and so on. At 14, your children need to absorb nutrients to fuel and help them to get taller. But the truth is that they prefer eating fast food and processed foods. That is why you should prepare healthy snacks with no sugar added to satisfy mid-day hunger.

Drink a lot of water

Depending on age, weight, and gender, teenagers need to drink between 64 and 96 ounces of water (about 1.7 to 3.3 liters). Young teenage boys need to drink more water than teenage girls do. Also, those who join in intense workouts need to drink about 1-2 cups of water per 15 minutes.

Although consuming sweet drinks every once in a while is fine, remember that water is the key to hydration. Or you can try homemade fruit-infused water or 100% fruit juices with water-rich food like watermelon, coconut, cucumber, lemon, or cantaloupe.


Sleep well

Teenagers at 14 need to sleep about 8 to 10 hours each night to support their healthy growth. As they sleep, growth hormones start circulating and triggering healthy development patterns. But if they lack sleep, this might cause a slow release of growth hormones and lead to poor performance in school and decreased ability of the body to prevent injuries.

Generally speaking, sleeping enough and resting ideally is necessary to boost height growth as well as help the body repair, restore, and prepare the energy for the next day.

Engage in physical activities

Encourage your children to join exercises that help them extend their limbs and body to tone up their muscles and promote strength and endurance. Going swimming, playing basketball, skipping a rope, hanging on a bar, or biking are good exercises to support height naturally.

Go out for sunlight

Instead of consuming vitamin D-rich foods or vitamin D supplements, all you must do is get out for sunlight. Only being outside for a short period between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. will help your body get enough vitamin D. Make sure a third of your skin surface is exposed to the sun to synthesize this nutrient effectively.

Practice good posture

Maintain the head and neck straight, shoulders back, and chest up when walking. When sitting, try sitting straight with shoulders relaxed and knee levels or slightly higher than the hips. By doing this, you might strengthen the spine and make you look taller.

Consider dietary supplements for height growth

The aim of adding supplements is to deliver necessary nutrients to the body to reach the natural growth rate. But not all the products claim to be true, and you must research carefully before opting for one. It is highly advised to find the top height growth pills from reputable brands to guarantee you do not get scammed.


Having explored the average heights of 14-year-old boys and girls, it is clear that there exists an intriguing disparity in the growth patterns between the two genders during this pivotal stage of development. Typically, boys tend to experience more rapid growth compared to girls at the age of 14. However, it’s worth noting that prior to reaching this age or before the culmination of their puberty, girls often find themselves taller than their male counterparts.

In the journey of nurturing healthy and thriving adolescents, it is essential for parents and caregivers to remain vigilant. Should you observe any deviations or anomalies in your child’s height or overall well-being during this transformative phase, it is advisable to seek professional medical guidance without delay.

Remember, fostering optimal growth and well-being in adolescents involves a combination of factors, including nutrition, exercise, and regular medical check-ups. By proactively addressing any concerns, we can ensure that our children embark on the path to a happy and healthy adulthood with the best possible start in life.

Mike Nikko is a blogger with over 15 years of experience. I will bring you the best product reviews and other useful life experiences, tips to increase height, tips to improve health... If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mike Nikko!

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