Livestrong LS6.0R Recumbent Bike Review


Livestrong LS6.0R Recumbent Bike Review

Everyone who wants to maintain their health can always try to have Livestrong LS6.0R Recumbent Bike as their choice. The recumbent bike is perfect option to support your exercise activities. This bike provides you with comfortable seat than the upright bikes. The recumbent bike is perfect option for those who has problem with their back area. The bike can help you to support your weight and keep your body in current position. The product helps you for recovery program from your back problem.

livestrong-ls6-0r-recumbent-bike-2The recumbent bike will help you returning your back in current position and also help in healing joint problem.   All users can also access the bike easily because it has step-thru frames that are convenient. The bike provides you with technology of Livetrack Interactive™. The technology can help you to see your progress and instruction to reach your goal. You just need to put USB into the console. The USB will track all information that is related with your exercise.

After finish your exercise, you can visit the and see your workout history. When you are planning to have some diet during your exercise program, the Livetrack Interactive™ can help you. The technology and collaboration with can give information about your calories consumption. You can maintain your calories that are needed during your diet program. From now on, you can always control your calories consumption and also monitor your fat burning at the same time.


Interesting Features of Livestrong LS6.0R Recumbent Bike

When we want to have recumbent bike, definitely we will see features offered. This is type of recumbent bike that will help you to maintain your exercise program. Livestrong LS6.0R Recumbent Bike is only has 8.8 pounds weigh of flywheel. The weight can support the bike to provide smooth and also fluid motion. The bike has technology that is called with FreeSpin™. The technology can help you to coast comfortably if you stop pedaling.

It can also helps eliminates jarring stops and sudden. With the bike, you can enjoy level of resistance until 20 levels. You can choose your level and make adjustments based on your program needs. You can find intensity of level that is right for you. You can start the level from basic, medium or even the highest level. The bike is completed with 11 programmed to support your exercise activities. You can reach your goal with combination of level and programs at the same time. Ned more features? As mentioned before that the bike is also completed with innovative technology that is called with Livetrack Interactive™.

Livestrong® LS6.0R Recumbent Bike The technology can help you to get more programs of health maintenance. You can download more programs exclusively from You can combine your downloaded programs with level from the bike to reach your goal. The bike is completed with LCD display that will help you to see your workout progress.

The bike is also completed with 2 LED feedback widows to see all details of your exercise progress. Besides that the bike is also completed with tools to see your heartbeat record. From now you can maintain your program and also check your heart rate stability. People say that music can help you kill bored.

The bike has built in speaker that will allow you to listen to your favorite music. You can connect the Livestrong LS6.0R Recumbent Bike with your iPod or mp3 device. Now you can always enjoying the exercise and also listening to your favorite music at the same time. The bike provides you with 10 years warranty for frame area. You will also get 1 year warranty for labor and parts.

What They Say about Livestrong LS6.0R Recumbent Bike? 

Next discussion will always related with customer reviews. Definitely there are a lot of people asking what about customer review about Livestrong LS6.0R Recumbent Bike? A lot of people say that the bike provides silent voice. The machine provide smooth gear machine that will never interrupted your show. When you are watching television, you will not hear any voice from your recumbent bike. The programs offered are also helpful to support everyone activities.

Besides that a lot of people also say that the bike provides a comfortable back area. Some reviews are also said that they are very helpful with the recumbent bike feature. The feature can help them fight their arthritis. The backseat can support their activities and cure their arthritis. Some people feel little bit uncomforted with the seat area. They feel like the seat is not created well. But now, you do not need to be worried. The company has fix it and made better chair for everyone. From now on, you can always enjoy your exercise and feel comfort at the same time.

You can bring the recumbent bike and enjoy the exercise to maintain your health. We can always say that Livestrong LS6.0R Recumbent Bike is the right bike to maintain your health that provides you with great features and programs.

Dusty – I was concerned by the comments about the seat but loved the bike after trying it out in a store twice. I decided to call the company before making my purchase. It was clear they knew about the problem. They reassured me that they have now reinforced the seats. I have now had my bike for a week and love it. Every other bike I sat on felt very uncomfortable on my back. I love this seat back and expect it will perform better than in the past. If not, I expect the company to make it right. I will be watching my seat closely up until the time the warranty expires.


Mike Nikko is a blogger with over 15 years of experience. I will bring you the best product reviews and other useful life experiences, tips to increase height, tips to improve health... If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mike Nikko!

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