Sunny Pro Health And Fitness Indoor Cycling Bike Review


Sunny Pro Health And Fitness Indoor Cycling Bike Review

Getting fit at home is something many people look to do as they can fit it more easily around their circumstances, like a mother looking after her kids and it also avoids the cost of gym membership and the time taken to get their. Using an exercise bike at home is great for cardiovascular fitness and it exercises your leg and core muscles which are important for good all-round fitness. The Sunny Pro Indoor Cycling Bike is a very popular exercise bike but does it merit this level of popularity?


  • Dimensions: 48.5 x 20 x 46.5 inches
  • Maximum User Weight: 275 lbs
  • LCD Computer Display? No
  • Machine Weight 108 lbs
  • Manufacturers Warranty: Frame 1 Year, Parts 90 Days


The Pros

Easy Assembly: As with all of these type of pieces of equipment there is some assembly involved. When it arrives at home you want to get on it and try it out as soon as you can. The last thing you want as you open the box is to see hundreds of parts and a complicated manual to follow. Fortunately, with this bike there are only few pieces that need to be put together and from most people’ experience these can be put together in a little under 20 minutes.

Seat Adjustment: The seat position can be adjusted vertically and horizontally to get it in the best position for you to exercise. The height is adjustable too. Having this functionality is important to being able to being able to exercise properly. It is no fun being sat at the wrong height or seated uncomfortably and also if you are not sat right this can lead to unnecessary injuries.

Resistance System Adjustment: It is easy to adjust the level of resistance on this bike to be able to get the level of intensity you want from your workout. It is a smooth transition from one level of resistance to the next.

Stability: When you are exercising full out you want a bike that can stand up to this giving you a stable ride. You want it to be well-built and sturdy. This bike has a heavy duty steel frame that can stand up to this level of exercise providing a stable and smooth ride. It provides a sense that you can push yourself to the limit if you want without having to worry about the bike breaking down on you.

Resistant Constant: One thing you don’t want the level of resistance changing mid-exercise as it can spoil your exercise routine and you end up with a less than satisfactory workout. The Sunny Pro delivers a smooth and even level of resistance so you get a full workout.


 The Cons

Height Adjustments: For some shorter users the height setting on this bike may not accommodate them properly and they will need to stretch. Before buying one , if you are under 5’4” you might want to try one out at the local store to make sure you can use it.

Some people have solved this problem by drilling an extra hole in the seat stand to provide a lower height setting. But, this may result in the manufacturer saying you have voided the warranty. Therefore you should know how to do this properly before you attempt to drill the hole.
No Gadgets: Depending on what you want from an exercise bike, this lack of gadget could be a positive or a negative. If you just want a bike to deliver a good workout then this bike will meet your needs. But if you want a bike that will also monitor your speed, heart rate, time spent, distance travelled and calories burnt then this won’t be the bike for you and you should look at other bikes. If it is your heart rate you are interested in you can get a wrist heart rate monitor that is much more accurate than most monitors you find on bikes such as


Noisy: The amount of noise that exercise bikes is one thing that annoys people about them. It can be difficult to hear the TV and irritate others in the house. The noise from the Sunny Pro isn’t that bad. However, it does produce some noise that will mean you need to turn up the TV to hear it when you are exercising.

The reason for the noise is because it uses a chain to turn the wheel, just like a road bike. The noise is caused by the chain interlocking with the cog on the wheel. You can buy belt-driven bikes that are quieter but they are normally much more expensive.

Durable Brake Pads: The brake pads have a tendency to wear out quickly when you are pushing hard on the higher resistance levels. It does mean the brake pads will need replacing fairly regularly when you do this.

Should You Buy The Sunny Pro Indoor Cycling Bike?

In summary this a very good basic home exercise spin bike. This gives you a no frills and solid exercise, but if you are looking for more than this and want to monitor your progress using a LCD display then this bike is probably not for you. Some people find it a noisy bike but there are worse bikes around, so it isn’t too big an issue for most. If you are below 5 foot 4 inches you should check it out at a store to make sure you are able to use it comfortably. Besides these points the Sunny Pro Indoor Cycling Bike is worthwhile getting for your home.


Mike Nikko is a blogger with over 15 years of experience. I will bring you the best product reviews and other useful life experiences, tips to increase height, tips to improve health... If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mike Nikko!

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