Turbo Bell Adjustable Weight Dumbbell TB560 Review


Turbo Bell Adjustable Weight Dumbbell TB560 Review

As the weight training programs have been becoming more popular, and people are increasingly concerned with their health and fitness, it became necessary to find a practical way of performing weight training.

One of the easiest and convenient ways to perform exercises with weights without attending gyms is with adjustable dumbbells.

In fact, if you purchase a pair of adjustable dumbbells and maybe a few accessories such as an adjustable weight bench, they will pay for themselves and then will allow you to even save money over time.

If the dumbbells are of good quality and if you take good care of them, they can last a lifetime, and this pair of adjustable dumbbells is undoubtedly one of the best that you can purchase. In addition, these dumbbells are accompanied by a stand, which is a big plus.


turbo-bell-adjustable-weight-dumbbell-tb560This product is solid and you can do a serious workout without needing to worry about the weight plates falling down or make a lot of noise.

The weights are very robust and the motion between the individual plates is minimal, so the noise is also minimal.

It´s also very easy to switch between different weights, you will just need to put the bell on the rack and move the corresponding levers according to the diagrams on the weights.

Weight Range & Increments

One of the greatest advantages of this set of adjustable dumbbells in comparison with others of the same style, is that it lets you use up to 60 lbs of weight instead of the usual 50 lb of other similar products.

The mark indicates that the weights go from 5 to 60 lb and that it is possible to increment the weight by 2.5 lb.

However, note that despite what the mark indicates, in reality it is only possible to modify the weight by 2,5 lb on each side of the dumbbells, which will probably make the weight unbalanced.

It´s very, very easy to switch between the weights in this set of adjustable dumbbells. You will only have to put the dumbbells on the rack and move the corresponding levers according to the diagrams on the weights.

The system of this set allows you to adjust from 5 to 60 pounds in 2.5 Ib increments in a very fast, safe and comfortable way.


The handle of this pair of dumbbells is coated in rubber, which will allow a strong grip and a great feeling of comfort. It´s is also very ergonomic.

It also has a “Hammer handle” design that is flat on the sides, which helps to increase the Strength of the grip and keeps the dumbbell from rolling in the hand.


Customer Reviews

With most costumers giving a very good feedback of this product, it´s also my opinion that it´s well worth the money you pay for it. As a big plus, you will also receive a stand to place the dumbbells, so that you won´t have to spend more money and buy it separated.

One of the few complaints is that the dumbbells can be difficult to assemble initially as the instruction booklet doesn´t have pictures. But with a little time you can figure it how to assemble it.

Other than that, most customers seems to be happy with this pair of adjustable dumbbells and strongly recommend it to those interested in this type of workout equipment.

If you want to buy a good quality product for a relatively low price for all it offers, this is undoubtedly one of the best options.

Mike Nikko is a blogger with over 15 years of experience. I will bring you the best product reviews and other useful life experiences, tips to increase height, tips to improve health... If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mike Nikko!

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