Does Fasting Help You to Reduce Back Pain?


Does Fasting Help You to Reduce Back Pain?

Are you suffering from back pain since a very long time? Are you tired of trying every other remedy and treatment for curing the back pain? Is your back pain affecting your daily day to day routine badly? If yes, we can understand what you are going through. A regular back pain is no less than a slow poison killing you slowly day to day.

Have you ever realized that the food you are eating can contribute to your back pain? Well yes, this is a proven fact. The food you eat can affect your body aches. Researches show that there are a few foods that are shown to reduce inflammation which is a common cause behind back pain. This is a proven point that changing your diet can help you avoid regular back pain.

Importance of fasting

If this inflammation in left untreated, it will run rampant through your body and cause many problems including lower back ache. You need to maintain a diet with good nutrition that includes anti-inflammatory foods only.

Fasting can be tremendously beneficial if conducted in a proper way. It is known as a safe and most effecting way to maximize the self-healing capacity of one’s body. It can provide you with amazing results. If fasting schedules followed consistently, it creates healthy results from healthful living.


The statement may surprise you but back ache can be actually treated with the help of fasting and proper diet. In fact fasting, improved body postures and use, chiropractic manipulations, rest and exercise are effective ways of dealing with back pain.    

It is interesting to know that the patients facing chronic pain will dramatically improve by controlling their diet. We have enlisted a few important points to consider.

Veggies help you to fight back pain

All plant based diets are best to avoid the inflammation in the body. Flax and chia seeds when eaten in a combination with omega-3 rich fishes can create magic. Coldwater fishes like salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, tuna, black cod and trout are good for back pain patients.

The second most important part of anti-inflammatory diet is deeply colored foods. Carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, cherries, berries, grapes, red wine, pomegranate and watermelon are colored foods that are loaded with nutrition.  

There are special herbs and spices that are popular anti-inflammatory agents like basil, cinnamon, ginger, rosemary, garlic, cumin, onions, oregano and turmeric. That is why it is advised to season your food generously. Drinking healthy herbs like teas and true teas is also helpful.

Foods to be avoided

Nightshade vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplant, white potatoes and peppers are an indispensable part of anti-inflammatory diet. Just don’t eat these vegetables for two consecutive weeks and observe the result. If your symptoms disappear, understand that these are potentially sensitive food items for you.

Other than that you should avoid eating processed foods, fast foods, pasta, sugary drinks, fried foods and any other saturated fats. Also, try to stay away from chips, crackers, pastries and, caffeine and alcohol as well.


Most important-calcium factor

The scarcity of calcium and vitamin D in the body is another common reason behind chronic back pain. As you age, bone mass reduces. Bones are the ultimate reservoirs for the calcium. The reducing bone mass can lead to osteoporosis. It weakens your vertebrate and the simplest solution to this problem is to increase your calcium intake and bone density of your body.

Our body needs 1000-1300 mg intake of calcium daily. But the point is this calcium should come from natural resources only. Do not supplement more than 500 mg calcium in day. Natural foods like milk, cheese and yogurt contain a good amount of calcium in them.

High intake of calcium supplements can be risky for your heart. The key rule is to intake just adequate. Supplementing too much calcium can also cause bone fractures.

These are few simple and easily achievable diet habits that can change your life. Changing these few food habits will make you more movable, fit and will keep you healthy. The thumb rule is to follow an experienced or well educated dietician before making any major changes in your diet.

Mike Nikko is a blogger with over 15 years of experience. I will bring you the best product reviews and other useful life experiences, tips to increase height, tips to improve health... If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mike Nikko!

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