How Stretching Can Help You to Reduce Lower Back Pain?


How Stretching Can Help You to Reduce Lower Back Pain?

Most of the people I know are suffering from this issue of lower backache. Somehow lower back pain happens to be the most common health issue with this generation. There can be many reasons behind it like not lifting your weight with a right technique, sitting all the day of your butt with little or no movement or just not stretching your muscles at all. Whatever be the reason, the intensity of the nagging back pain is equally disturbing and irritating.


Normally, when we suffer from any kind of debilitating pain, we tend to stay in our bed longer than usual. Yet researchers prove this point to be wrong. Technically, working out is the best way to deal with the excruciating pain and it reduces the risk of back pain attack as well.  

Stretching can be the easiest solution to this problem. The solution doesn’t sound interesting rather I will say it is the most boring one but trust me, it is the most reliable and quickest one. Still, despite knowing all the benefits, we tend to ignore stretching.

Top 5 Best Stretching poses for Back Pain Healing

In this article, I am going to explain how stretching every single day can keep your pain away. I have mentioned a few stretching poses that will make your life unbelievably easy. But before that I will start with a few general tips.

  • It is necessary to hold any stretch for at least 10 seconds. However, the preferable time is 30 seconds or longer. The positive effect of stretching is directly proportional to the holding time.
  • Do not rush through the moves. Turn on the soothing music and utilize the chance to renew and relax yourself.
  • Take deep breaths. It will help you to get over the feeling of discomfort.

#1 Child’s pose

This common Yoga posture is a general stretch. The muscles of the lower back are contracted when you are in pain. This stretch is good for them because they need to extend in order to do this Yoga pose.

How to do it: Put your hands and knees on the floor. It should be like your hands should be under your shoulder and your knees should be under your hips. Extend your hands and palms flat on the floor. Sit in such a way putting your hips on your heels and drop your chest and head downwards extending your arms. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds to get best results.

2. Cat/Cow stretch

This dynamic movement allows your low back muscles to move in two directions. This Yoga pose is an extension to the child’s pose and lengthen your contracted muscles. It also soothes the soreness.

How to do it: Put your hands and knees on the floor placing your hands under the shoulder and knees under your hips. Maintain your posture in such a way that your spine should be parallel to the ground. Now, round your back, stretch your mid back between your shoulders- remember the way how a cat stretches her back. Hold for 5 seconds, let your stomach fall downward and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat all these movements for 30 seconds.

3. Lower-Back twist

This movement helps in stretching your back and glutes. Glutes tighten your muscles and ultimately increase the intensity of pain.

How to do it: Lay down on your back and bent on your knees and feet on the floor. Extend your arms to make a T-position. Keep your shoulders intact on the floor while you bend your knees on the either sides. Stay in each position for 20 to 30 seconds and return to original position. Bend towards other side after that and repeat the process again.

4. Knee-to-chest stretch

This is a simple move and it is also known to strengthen and lengthening your contracting muscles.

How to do it: Lay down on your back with your knees bent and feet above the floor. Rest your hand below your knees or right above your knee caps. Bring both your knees close to your chest slowly and hold there for 20-30 seconds. Return to starting position after that and repeat the process.

5. The pelvic tilt

While in lower back pain, it feels as if your whole pelvic area is hard to move.

How to do it:  Lay down on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Keep your back in a neutral position and try to relax. Tilt your pelvis upward and then flatten your back muscles against the floor. Repeat this move for 12-15 times and you will feel good.

All these moves and movements will definitely help you to get rid of your recurring lower back pain. Repeat these moves as often as you feel like. Just remember that keep moving to live a healthy life.    

Mike Nikko is a blogger with over 15 years of experience. I will bring you the best product reviews and other useful life experiences, tips to increase height, tips to improve health... If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mike Nikko!

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