Keiser M3 Indoor Cycle Trainer Review - 04/2022


Keiser M3 Indoor Cycle Stationary Trainer Exercise Bike is one of the best indoor cycle available on the market today. This spin cycle is a great all-round indoor cycle that will provide you with a real road feel considering the fact that it has 24 levels of magnetic resistance.

Though it is quite expensive compared to other models, it delivers a good adjustability, an excellent warranty, as well as a sleek, sturdy design. In addition, this spin bike requires almost no maintenance and will certainly stand the test of time.

Continue reading more Keiser M3 review for more details.

Why should you invest in a Keiser M3 Indoor Cycle Trainer ?

keiser-m3-indoor-cycle-trainerIf you have been thinking of losing weight or getting into top fitness, this is the most ideal spin cycle for you. The fact that it comes with a 24 levels of magnetic resistance means that it will provide you with a very challenging workout that will effectively help you meet your exercise goal.

The other advantages of the Keiser M3 indoor cycle is that it comes with a near- silent drive belt, fore and aft handlebar adjustments, as well as a back-lit computer display. The bike is also high-tech in design and is user-friendly.

In addition, the revolutionary resistance system helps ensure that the bike has no touching parts, which means it does not undergo wear and tear. You can read more Keiser M3 indoor spin bike reviews for more information.

Features and Specifications at a Glance


  • The Revolutionary Magnetic Resistance System,
  • Fore and aft adjustable handlebars,
  • Adjustable Shimano Combo pedals,
  • 4-way adjustable seat positions,
  • Anti-slip belt that doesn’t require any adjustment,
  • Computer with back-lit M Series display,
  • Maintenance free design,
  • Wheels,
  • Gravity –based water holder.
  • The indoor bike comes with a three year warranty on parts.


Computer features:

  • Odometer/ trip distance,
  • Gear (1 – 24 Gears)
  • Pedaling time,
  • Heart rate monitor which is solar compatible,
  • Power output displays in watts,
  • Revolution pet minute (RPM).


  • Length: 48.25 inches,
  • Width: 25.75 inches,
  • Sturdy frame,
  • Height: 44.5 inches.
  • Assembled weight: 85 pounds,
  • User Weigh capacity: 300 pounds.


Features of the Keiser M3 Indoor Cycle Stationary Trainer Exercise Bike in Detail


The Revolutionary Magnetic Resistance System

This revolutionary magnetic resistance system introduces new and great way of giving you a quiet, effective workout. The ‘eddy current resistance’ effect is created by two opposite magnets placed over the flywheel. Moving the proximity of the magnetic field to the flywheel gears the resistance level down or up.

The best thing about this system is that the various parts of the resistance system never come into direct contact with each other. This means that the bike never undergoes wear and tear, meaning that no maintenance costs are incurred on the bike. Read more Keiser M3 reviews for more information on this.

Fore and Aft Adjustable Handlebars

This bike comes with adjustable handlebars which can be adjusted forward and back as well as up and down. This helps provide a good fit to almost any rider, whether tall, average height, or short. The adjustable handlebars help ensure that your workouts are most comfortable.

The Back-lit Computer Console

Keiser M3 Indoor Cycle Stationary Trainer Exercise Bike comes with a back-lit computer display on a console which provides you with a set of essential workout statistics, including heart rate, RPM, power output, calorie burn, resistance level, odometer /travel distance, as well as the time length of your workout.

In addition, the computer can also monitor cadence, which is a measure of pedal rotations per minute.

Sturdy frame

This is meant to help make the bike very durable even when it is used intensely for exercise. The sturdy frame also allows the bike to accommodate riders who weigh up to 300 pounds.



The bikes come with adjustable Shimano Combo pedals.

Comfortable seat

The bike comes with a comfortable four –way adjustable seat position. It can be adjusted in four positions. You adjust the seat backward, forward, up, and down.


The wheels allow for easy transport. They help ensure that you don’t struggle at all when you need to move or store the machine.


The spin bike comes with an anti-slip belt that does not need any adjustment.

Water bottle holder

The spin bike’s water holder is gravity –based. This means you can easily access the water as you continue working out.


Pros – Advantages of Keiser M3

  • The bike is associated with a smooth, whisper-quiet operation,
  • It is easy to assemble and use,
  • It has a great warranty,
  • It comes with a sturdy flame, which means it is very durable,
  • Top-quality construction,
  • Has a rock-solid base,
  • It is available in a wide range of colors,
  • It features a smooth magnetic resistance to help create a real –bike feel,
  • It comes with a full-featured workout monitor,
  • Requires very little maintenance, if any,
  • It has a water-bottle holder,
  • It comes with a 4-way adjustable seat,
  • Optional computer system,
  • It can accommodate riders who weigh up to 300 pounds
  • It has a back lit LCD.


  • The bike is quite expensive,
  • It does not come with any workout program.


Check the Keiser M3 assemble video by Sportsmith. . You can also check their Keiser indoor cycle repair parts, here.



The Keiser M3 Indoor Cycle Stationary Trainer Exercise Bike is actually a top of the range indoor cycle that is superbly constructed. The machine will provide you with one of the best workout experiences that can ever think of. This indoor bike’s magnetic resistance provides an ultra smooth ride that feels better than cycling a road bike.

If you can afford this machine, it will give value for you money. This spin bike will also stand the test of time because it is of very high quality. It is a very ideal indoor bike for you and your family; you will never regret buying it.

Mike Nikko is a blogger with over 15 years of experience. I will bring you the best product reviews and other useful life experiences, tips to increase height, tips to improve health... If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mike Nikko!

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