KitchenAid KCO222OB Countertop Oven Review - 05/2022


KitchenAid KCO222OB Countertop Oven is the lower end version of its counterpart that comes with convection. Unfortunately, this model is more on the letdown side. We notice lots of nonfunctional features that are claimed to be great by the manufacturer. Whether it’s the front panel and the uneven temperature within the interior, most of it just can’t meet our expectation. You’ll get to know about more of KitchenAid KCO222OB Countertop Oven details that annoy us and probably other users too.

Hot Features:

  • Magnificently built with dark tone
  • Large capacity with basic preset functions


  • Very poor durability
  • Uneven temperature in the inside
  • Unfinished front door, putting users to bigger risk of being burnt
  • Unclear inscription on the turn-knobs
  • No warranty or whatsoever


Since the shortcomings outnumber the positive aspects of the oven, let us just talk about the beneficial features first. The KitchenAid KCO222OB Countertop Oven is designed to be very similar with its higher end counterpart. If only the sides and top part of the pane was also finished in bright chrome accents, it’d be difficult to differentiate them.

That said, you can just place it on an empty space on your counter and take a few steps back and get ready to see a magnificent awe. Additionally, it also comes with exactly the same control dials with its more premium sibling. However, it does miss the convection bake functions.


KitchenAid KCO222OB Countertop Oven Drawbacks

You might not come across significant issue the first time you use it but after three months or so problems will start to annoy you one by one. Seriously, even one of our fellows told us that his oven only last for one year.kitchenaid-kco222ob-countertop-oven

On to the first technical problem, you’ll eventually find that the door can’t be opened fully. It’ll get stuck after it opens to some degree, providing you with so limited space to take out the dish. This is dangerous considering that the front glass panel is extremely hot that you can get your hand burnt. Common pot holder won’t give you a hand simply because it’s too thin to isolate the heat. So, yes; KitchenAid KCO222OB Countertop Oven is definitely annoying.

Moving to the control panel, it’s nice to see 4 turn-knobs arranged neatly while also reflecting the surrounding image, thanks to their cool chrome finish. However, as you want to turn one of them, you’ll realize that the marks are so thin that it’s very difficult to read it.

This is definitely a major issue especially when you cook at night quite frequently. It can only be read when the sunshine is on its brightest state during the day. You may eventually be able to read it but after a few days your eyes won’t stand it and grow tired of using this KitchenAid KCO222OB Countertop Oven.


Lastly, the temperature inside the oven is not only inaccurate but also uneven. At 350F, our oven thermometer only shows about 130F. That’s a whole big margin. No wonder why it takes so long before finally our bread is done. Even worse, that inaccurate temp is distributed not equally across the cavity.

If you toast two pieces of pizza at the same time, you’ll find the one you place on the higher level toast faster than the one on the bottom rack. And to wrap it all, none of the purchase of KitchenAid KCO222OB Countertop Oven is covered with warranty.



Sure, the design is just astounding but what is it good for if the device turn out nonfunctional. After all, you buy a toaster oven to use it not just place it as some ornamental accessories. With all being said, we’re strongly not recommending KitchenAid KCO222OB Countertop Oven.

Mike Nikko is a blogger with over 15 years of experience. I will bring you the best product reviews and other useful life experiences, tips to increase height, tips to improve health... If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mike Nikko!

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