Mr Direct Electric Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair Recliner Zero Gravity w/Heat Review


Mr Direct Electric Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair Recliner Zero Gravity w/Heat Review

It is essential for prospective massage chair buyers to initially have done their research about the types and price ranges of massage chairs available within the market. Carrying out an evaluation of massage chairs along with their different features is important so that users can buy one which best suits their objective.

Some prospective massage chair buyers with a price budget within the lower category may feel alarmed when witnessing massage chair prices hit the $7000 price mark.

However, fortunately for such buyers, buying a quality massage chair can also surprisingly cost less than $700.

The Electric Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair by Mr-Direct is one such example. With a price less than $700 , the Electric Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair can be an exciting option for prospective massage chair buyers on a lower budget.

Air-bag Massage Technique

Air-bag technology is utilized by a majority of massage chair manufacturers for executing the ideal relaxing massage experience. The massage chair is filled with air bags which are meant to work in perfect synchronization to achieve the perfect effect.

The Electric Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair contains a total of 35 airbags built within it under the seat.

The main aim of the airbags is to provide massage coverage to its user’s arms, back, lower back, shoulders as well as the legs.

Massage coverage of such ample space ensures that the Electric Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair can deliver uninterrupted relief to the body of its user regardless of whether it is being used for recovery, rejuvenation or relaxation purposes.

Aside from the objective of compressing the body of its user, the Electric Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair by Mr-Direct via air-bags also aims at the creation of a passive motion soothing to the lower back and pelvis, by bringing about movement onto the seat.

Automatic Massage Programs

The Electric Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair also consists of automatic massage programs, another key feature which is a commonplace for massage chairs, regardless of whether they cost $1000 or $7000.

Although, what may differentiate massage chairs from both the prices mentioned above may be, in some circumstances, the total number of pre-set massage programs within the massage chair itself.

The Electric Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair has three different automatically pre-set massage programs for its users. Every program within contains various massage motions alongside differing levels of intensity as to serve varying purposes such as restoration and recovery from an injury or aches, relaxation as well as rejuvenation.

The massage programs integrated within are each, tried and tested by specialists to be able to imitate the best of professional massage experiences.


Concentrated Massage and Roller Points

Within the backrest of the Electric Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair, an aggregate of eight highly concentrated massage points are built-in. The purpose of every massage concentration point is to quickly penetrate the massage motion into the user’s body for achieving optimum results.

The technology of dual rollers can also be felt within the massage motion of the Electric Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair by Mr-Direct.

The motion effect of the rollers, merged with strategically placed eight concentration points ensure that any stress or negative energy trapped within the body is released or otherwise eliminated.

HD VFD Display

Vacuum Fluorescent Display screens are not considered to be a relatively new invention; however, are still popular within electronic devices due to their sheer efficiency.

The Electric Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair by Mr-Direct also includes a built-in Vacuum Fluorescent Display screen as the control panel for users. Similar to LCD, the main advantage of VDF is that they are comparatively easier to read, even when reading from a distance.

The control panel of the Electric Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair by Mr-Direct is meant to be used for controlling automatic massage programs with relative ease.


Footrest Extension and Rollers

To optimize comfort levels, the manufacturers of the Electric Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair also included a manually extendable footrest for individuals whom of which are taller.

This particular feature helps to cater users which may vary significantly in height; therefore, maintaining the quality of massage being delivered by the Electric Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair.

Zero-Gravity Design

A revolutionary feature within massage chairs is that of zero-gravity. Having a self-explanatory name, ‘zero-gravity’ refers to the massage chair placing its user in a position similar to an astronaut right before shuttle take-off.

Such a position works to evenly distribute the weight, as well as aid with delivering a more intense and a deeper massage experience via the massaging chair.

Pros and Cons of the Electric Full-Body Shiatsu Massage Chair by Mr-Direct


Things I Li​ked

  • It is highly budget-friendly.

  • The Electric Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair is delivered assembled.

  • It contains dual motion rollers for providing highest quality massages.

  • Massages arms and legs with airbag massaging technique, along with motion rollers for massaging the user’s feet.

  • Manually adjustable foot rest for varying heights.

  • Built-in heat transmitter.

  • Three-year warranty by Mr-Direct.

Things I Disliked

  • Available only in one color.

  • It lacks the option of creating customized massage programs.

  • Delivery of the massage chair is made till the user’s house/facility; therefore, additional two men are required to place The Electric Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair within the user’s premises.

  • The key feature of body scanning is not available in this particular massage chair due to which neither the airbags nor the roller motion can be adjusted according to the body height and width of its user.

Final Verdict

Costing less than $700, The Electric Full Body Shiatsu Massage Chair is worth buying for those that are on a tight budget. This particular massaging chair consists of all essential key features integrated within it, for helping with delivering consistently high-quality massages to its users. This massage chair is worth every penny it costs.

Prospective massage chair buyers with a higher budget can broaden their options and look for massage chairs with an even greater number of key features such as custom massage programs.

Mike Nikko is a blogger with over 15 years of experience. I will bring you the best product reviews and other useful life experiences, tips to increase height, tips to improve health... If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mike Nikko!

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