Omega NC800HDS Juicer Juice Review


Omega NC800HDS Juicer Juice Review

The juice is one sure way of taking in nutrients. The Omega NC800 HDS makes this possible with amazing improvements in several key areas. This has resulted in a machine that will extract 12% juice more from the same amount of produce than previous models. Omega NC800 HDSThis model feature a wider feeding chute as well as an adjustable end cap that allows you to fine tune this juicer according to the type of foods being passed through the machine. The slightly modern design makes this machine a perfect one for your ideal kitchen. One thing that distinguishes this machine from all other models is how fit this unit accomplishes while juicing quite a wide variety of produce. Juicing at a relatively low speed of 80 RPM, this machine allows for maximum extraction of juice while reducing the amount of heat build-up and oxidation.

Perfectly equipped with an auger system, it can simply squeeze out a considerable amount of juice from any type of produce including leafy vegetables as well as wheatgrass. Multipurpose function is acceptable and you definitely have a chance to make all natural nut butters, soy milk, baby food, almond milk as well as an array of healthy snacks on a similar machine. What a superb experience!

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Product Features Omega NC800 HDS

Wide Feeding Chutes

This in particular have been the sore most spots when equated to the new and improved Breville centrifugal juicers with relatively larger feeding chutes. Omega NC800 HDS juicer integrates a larger yet oval shaped chute that allows larger chunks of food to be easily added to this machine which is a unique design to save on prepping time. Generally, the bigger the feeding chute, the lesser the time required to cut the foods into smaller bits in order to fit into this juicer. In case you do a lot of juicing specifically such items as carrots or cucumbers, this is quite a massive time saver.

Exceptional Design

As with most of the model ideal upgrades, there is definitely some overhaul to an overall look of this model. Basically, it is simply nothing too severe but it does stand apart from other older varieties. It is readily available in three colours; red, silver and shiny chrome coated type.

Adjustable Dial

An additional exclusive feature of this unit is the well fitted end cap which is now adjustable. This is perfectly designed to retain the pulp inside the machine for much longer in order to facilitate more squeezing out of the juice. The automatic dial ranges from zero to 5. Generally you would need to use 5 for harder vegetables such as carrots, then see it to about 1 or 2 for softer vegetables such as pears and apples. In one word, convenient!

A Nutrition Center

This model juicer has Nutrition Center in place not only for the reason that it is a position to do a lot more like making nut butter, pasta extruder and a grinder just to name a few. What’s more, this juicer comes aboard with 6 nozzles that are different in order to take care of all types of chores. Definitely a versatile machine!

15 Year Warranty

Omega juicers are without a doubt the finest made juicing machines present. What’s more, the company stands by their products by providing a massive 15 year warranty in case of any default on the machine. Quite a relief, don’t you think!



So far, this unit has gathered quite some great reviews from users and it is no doubt it have maintained the top spot for long. The greatest aspects of this unique juicer that get most praise include;

Improved Feeding Chute

Specifically from those users who have some experience in using some of Omega’s previous juicers, this new and larger feeding chute is quite a gigantic success. Not only does it save on prepping time, most users find that this auger system grabs onto the food much easier and there is no need of using the pusher when feeding the yield down into this machine..

End Cap Dial

Users love to achieve a little more over the pulp control, particularly when the process of juicing both hard and also soft fruits all put together takes place. The pulp exiting from the end cap seems quite dry meaning that there is maximum juice extraction. Who wouldn’t love this!

Juice Yield

The most significant aspects of a quality and a quite convincing juicer is basically the amount of juice yield it is capable of extracting and the juice yield from the NC800 juicer gets the highest appraise as the best. The leftover pulp is exceptionally dry, which means that most of this juice ends up in the glass.

Perfect Performance

In terms of how well this unit handles a wide array of foods, this juicer have received plenty of impressive reviews. Wheatgrass and Leafy greens performance is quite superb and for this reason users certainly appreciate how this juicer handles just absolutely anything thrown at it. An extraordinary juicer!

Ease of Use

You will agree with me that Omega NC800 HDS juicer is quite easy to use. Ranging from unboxing besides assembling for operation, to clean up, this juicer is just very simple as well as straightforward in terms of its use. With this juicer, clean up is just a breeze for the majority of owners and just takes some few minutes.


Valued at a price of most users approve that there is guarantee that you get the equivalent of your pay with this juicer. Equipped with a clean 15 year warranty not to mention its reputation for dependable juicing machines, most users have the impression that it is quite a harmless investment to make in terms of health..


This juicer is a little bit pricey. Users feel that this juicer is priced relatively higher therefore it is beyond the affordability level of a number of users.

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What Could Be Made Better

Juicing Apples: Basically, this seems like the only fruit that poses a problem to this juicer. Some users are disappointed by how this apple jams up the inside of this juicers. Going with the first-hand adjustable end cap there seems to be some hope in alleviating this issue for users.

Pulp found in the Juice: A number of users are not quite happy once they find a pulp right in their juice. Some of this pulp may be in a position to get fixed through adjusting the dial settings of the end cap. For the greatest part though, masticating juicers have a tendency of producing pulpier juice as compared to centrifugal juicers.

Bottom Line

There you have it! This 5th generation Omega model includes all the unique functionality and features as found in NC800 HD. With an updated body design, an improved yield with more screen area and a 5 level adjustment, a larger feeding chute and also a larger collection cups. In one word, the Omega NC800 HDS is highly recommended. Get yourself one and the whole juicing world will be a reality to you.

Mike Nikko is a blogger with over 15 years of experience. I will bring you the best product reviews and other useful life experiences, tips to increase height, tips to improve health... If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mike Nikko!

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