Wahl 5 Star Shaver Review - 04/2022


The Wahl 5 Star Shaver series is advertised as a professional finishing shaver. Mainly used by barbers and men’s grooming studios, the Wahl 5 Star Shavers provide an extremely close shave.

Grooming has long been an experiential aspect of men’s lives. The shop talk at the local parlor to the refreshing scent of hair tonics and even the stinging barbicide are complimentary to a nice close shave or cut.

Getting that close shave generally comes at the hand of a professional wielding a cut throat razor. While traditional shaving has remained an art (that has been making a strong comeback), you don’t have to go to the local parlor every time you want that extra close shave. The Wahl 5 Star Shaver brings the experience of a professional shave to men in the comfort of their home.

Let’s take a look at the first Wahl 5 Star Shaver in the series. I should mention the shavers in the 5 Star series look pretty much identical so I will distinguish them by the model number in the subheading.

Wahl 5 Star Shaver Overview


We’ll start with the basic 5 Star Shaver and then move on to the other models. The original Wahl Professional 5 Star Shaver comes with a wall plug charger, foil and cutter bar assembly, and operates corded or cordless.

This professional shaver is lightweight and provides a bump free shave. The hypoallergenic gold foil makes it perfect for guys with sensitive skin.

One thing I really like about this model is the shaper guard. This is a great feature for detailing sideburns or touching up a moustache or beard. Designed for shave parlors and professionals, the foil head and cutting bars easily detach making it easy to clean and sanitize.

If you’re looking for a close shave, the Wahl Professional 5 Star Shaver is a great choice. This is the perfect shaver for black guys or any guy who has a tendency to get razor bumps. It’s also a great choice for guys on a budget.

Wahl Professional 8061 5-star Series Rechargeable Shaver Shaper

The Wahl Shaver Shaper has that old school look while offering an exceptionally close shave. It looks like something you might find in grandpa’s grooming kit. A loud gold colored foil and block shape are reminiscent of a quality product found in the 70’s.

While the look of the Shaver Shaper might not be turning heads or winning any awards for innovative design, the important thing is the final product. And that is a close shave minus skin irritation.

There are no frills and thrill on any of the Wahl 5 Star Shaver series shavers and trimmers. And guy’s looking to purchase a 5 star aren’t looking for that any way so let’s move on.

The Shaver Shaper operates both corded and cordless. The foil is hypoallergenic so it’s great for any skin type. As I have mentioned this shaver cuts exceptionally close, it’s important to note you don’t need to apply a lot of pressure!

Applying to much pressure will result in razor burn or even razor bumps if you end up cutting below the skin. The reason why a lot of guys, and particularly black guys go with this shaver is it can greatly reduce the odds of getting razor bumps.

As I also stated previously, there are no frills to these shavers. There are no LED displays, no fancy cleaning station, just a solid shaver at a great price.

Wahl 5 Star 8547 Rechargeable Hypoallergenic Anti-Allergic Gold Foil Bump Free Shaver with Stand

This Wahl 5 Star Shaver (Model 8547) looks pretty much identical to the previous models. There are a few slight differences though. The first notable difference is this model comes with a charging stand.

The charging stand isn’t anything special but it’s a nice upgrade from the 8061 model. This model also works corded or cordless. There is an anti-allergic gold foil which again makes this a great choice for guys with any skin type.

As with the previous model, the 8547 is advertised as a professional shaver for barbers and shave parlor owners. Though, Wahl isn’t going to limit their market to professionals so guys can get a quality shave at home.

The Wahl 5 Star 8547 is a few dollars more expensive than the older model but I believe the charging stand is a good justification

Final Thoughts on the Wahl 5 Star Shaver Series

Every guy has a different perspective on grooming. For some, budget is a top priority. For others, getting the closest shave possible is the only concern. If you fit into either of these categories or are tired of getting razor bumps, the Wahl 5 Star Shaver series gives you that close shave without the expense of many new model shavers.

If you have any issues finding the right shaver be sure to drop me a line. I’m always eager to help guys find the best shaver for their particular hair and skin type as well as budget.

Mike Nikko is a blogger with over 15 years of experience. I will bring you the best product reviews and other useful life experiences, tips to increase height, tips to improve health... If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mike Nikko!

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