8 habits to avoid for skin


8 habits to avoid for skin

Have you ever wondered why is it so hard to have radiant complexion skin? Even with the help of the most expensive products this mission seems to fail from time to time. The reason comes from within, some of our daily habits prevent us from having that luminous skin that we desire. Here Deliventura has a list of 8 common bad habits to avoid if beautiful skin is on your bucket list.

Sleeping with your make-up on

No matter how tired you are, or how late it is, remember to remove make-up and cleanse your face thoroughly before ending the day. Leaving your makeup on overnight may cause acne breakouts, dull lifeless skin and premature wrinkles. Not to mention the sensitive, sty-prone skin on your eyelids if you went a little heavy on the liner and mascara. Make it a habit to wipe off every trace of makeup from your face before going to bed. You can start with a facial wipe and follow up with a gentle face wash to remove the remaining residues. Go to bed with a clean face, your skin will thank you for that.

Forgetting your sunscreen

You may not like the stingy feelings sunscreen leaves on your skin and you do not have time for it in the morning, but skipping on the sunscreen is the worst thing you are doing to your skin. Sunburn, skin irritation, pigmentation, and even skin cancer are caused by the damage these harmful UVA/UVB rays do to the skin. All of these concerns can be avoided by using sunscreen!

It is recommended that you apply your sunscreen with at least SPF30 on your face, neck and hands (all body parts that are exposed to the sun) even if you are staying indoors since sunlight can pass through curtains and windows and affect your skin as well.


Not having enough sleep

Your body does all the cells repairing, producing collagens and more while you sleep. That is why getting enough sleep is important for your skin and your health. Not having enough sleep leaves you with dark circles, dull and lifeless skin. Overtime, by interrupting the process of reproducing collagen in the body, your skin will lose its elasticity and glow. Try to have at least 7 hours of interrupted sleep every night, your body and your skin will thank you in the morning.

Picking pimples

I know it is very ugly and irritating when you spot that little pimple on your face. However, squeezing pimples can push the bacteria deeper into your skin, causing redness and leaving acne marks after they get dried out. These marks will not fade away easily, some may stay for a very long time. The next time you spot an ugly pimple and are really tempted to pop it, remember the damage it causes to the skin and say no.

Not having a skin-friendly diet

You may have heard of this before: you are what you eat. Your skin is also a reflection of what you eat and that’s why having a healthy diet also means having a healthy skin. Foods that are high in fat, sugar, refined carbs and calories may cause more problems than just gaining some more weight for you. The consumption of these foods produce more sebum and speed up the aging process, causing your skin to look dull and break out more often.

Beautiful skin loves fresh vegetables and fruits since they contain antioxidants and vitamins that help for skin repair and rejuvenation. These are not only good for the skin, but also work wonderfully on the body to combat the aging process.

Last but not least, keep your body hydrated by drinking enough water. A moisturized skin always takes longer to age as compared to dry skin.

Exfoliate too much

We all love when our skin is clean, that is why exfoliating is necessary for your skin. Exfoliating helps to remove dead skin that clogs the pores, leaving skin clean and easier to absorb other products. However, over-exfoliating your skin can remove the natural moisture out of your skin, leaving it dry and flaky. Your skin will tend to produce more oil when it is dry to make up for the moisture it lost and this may trigger breakouts. Depending on your skin type, it is suggested that you only use mild exfoliators, and scrub your skin not more than 2 times a week. Scrubbing it gently and always follow up by a moisturizer.


Taking too-hot shower

We all love hot-shower and its comfortable feeling when all your nerves and muscles are being relaxed after a long day; but taking a too-hot shower can totally harm your skin. Hot shower strips the natural oils of your skin and leaves it dry. Hot water increases blood circulation, which makes skin redder and more sensitive.
Rather than taking a hot shower, take a warm shower instead. It is better to preserve skin’s moisture barrier and overall health.

Touching your face constantly

Your hands are one of those body parts that comes in contact with gems frequently. These gems are everywhere, on your phone screen and even your keyboard. You apply these gems and bacteria directly to your skin by touching your face constantly during the day. This habit definitely is very difficult to drop, so if you really cannot hold back the idea of touching your face with your hands, at least make sure your hands are clean!

Having good and healthy skin is not that hard to achieve, but it requires a lot more effort and commitment than just buying all the expensive products without paying attention to your daily habits. Start slow by quitting 1 or 2 of these 8 bad habits first and building up from there. Your beautiful skin is just one step away from you!

Mike Nikko is a blogger with over 15 years of experience. I will bring you the best product reviews and other useful life experiences, tips to increase height, tips to improve health... If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mike Nikko!

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