9 Effective Tips for Skin Whitening


9 Effective Tips for Skin Whitening

We all want to have a smoother, brighter and healthier skin. Among tons of beauty care products available in the market, natural products are more preferred. This article will show you 9 effective home remedies for skin whitening.

Know what to avoid

– Never use bleach or other dangerous chemicals on your skin: There are a few dangerous myths going around regarding using bleach, ammonia, and other household cleaning products on skin to try to whiten it. These chemicals are extremely harmful to skin, and they can do long-term damage. Avoid them.

– Don’t buy into false beauty standards: It’s fine to use safe items like lemon juice to whiten your skin a little, but don’t seek to completely change your skin color from its natural state. Don’t use beauty products that are not tested or certified.

Have a nutritious diet

To achieve healthy and beautiful skin, it is important to follow a balanced diet. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that has many functions in your body. This vitamin isn’t actually produced by the body. You can get this vitamin through foods like citrus fruits, bell peppers, and leafy greens. In addition, adding a brightening supplement like NuBest White to your daily regime is an ideal way to help you get vitamin C and other skin-nourishing nutrients for a more radiant complexion, including Glutathione, vitamin E, vitamin B, and antioxidants.


Perform a proper and effective cleansing routine

Cleansing is the first and essential step in any skincare routine for glowing skin. Wash twice a day, in the morning after waking up and right before going to bed, to avoid clogged pores, dullness and acne. Or after you sweat because of working hard, cleansing is also necessary.

Wear sunscreen even when indoors

You need to protect your skin from the harmful radiations of the sun even when you stay indoors as the rays can penetrate glass as well. Wear sunscreen daily with SPF 30 or greater, and reapply every 2 hours. Cover your skin with protective things such as hats, sunglasses, and clothes of dark colors before going outside.

Exfoliate your skin

The buildup of dead skin cells can make the skin appear a little dull. For a more glowing look, it’s good to exfoliate the skin regularly with coffee, fine sugar, or salt mixed in avocado paste or yogurt or charcoal soaps.

Moisture your skin

Keeping your skin moisturized can prevent dead skin cells from building up and sloughing off so quickly. Use a daily moisturizer after you get out of the bath or shower. Choose a creamy moisturizer that doesn’t contain alcohol as it can actually dry out your skin. Try natural moisturizer remedies with coconut oil, jojoba oil or olive oil.

Besides, drink at least two liters of water in a day to keep your body hydrated, and improve the texture and appearance of your skin.

Use homemade face masks

How to whiten skin fast at home? Instead of spending money on expensive lotions and creams, try using natural ingredients to make homemade face masks. Applying them two or three times per week can help.


Papaya masks can exfoliate the skin, and at the same time nourish your skin with vitamin C. To make a papaya mask, peel and slice papaya, and blend it to make a smooth paste. Apply it on your skin and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and then pat dry.


When it comes to skin lightening, using lemon will prove to be most effective on your skin.  Lemon will help reduce the dark spots and blemishes on your skin. All you need to do is cut a lemon into two and rub one half onto your skin. Leave it for 10 minutes and then wash off with cool water. But remember not to step out in the sun immediately after using lemon on your skin.


Yogurt is really effective in lightening your skin. Make a paste of two teaspoons of plain yogurt and one teaspoon of honey. Mix this paste, apply it on your face, and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash this mask off with cold water. Try it and you’ll see the difference in your skin complexion.


Exercise regularly

Daily exercise can bring a wide range of health benefits. It helps you stay fit, boosts the cardiohealth and blood circulation, and improves skin health as well.

Get enough sleep

When you sleep, your cells are able to flush out the toxins produced during the day. This ensures that you wake up with refreshed and plush skin. Sleep experts recommend 7 – 8 hours of sleep every day for optimal brain function and improved health.

These natural remedies are beneficial both individually and together. Instead of reaching out to harmful creams that promise you the world and fair skin like white paper, delve into your house and get a hold of all these natural methods.

So, which remedy are you trying out today?

Mike Nikko is a blogger with over 15 years of experience. I will bring you the best product reviews and other useful life experiences, tips to increase height, tips to improve health... If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mike Nikko!

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