Does Running Make You Taller? - 05/2023


Running is a physical activity that offers numerous health benefits. It can enhance mood and energy levels, promote strong bones, strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular fitness, burn calories, and help maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, running is associated with reducing symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression, while also boosting self-esteem.

Does running make you taller? Let’s find out!

Exercise influence on height

Workouts can influence height gain, particularly during the development period. While genetic makeup is the main factor that influences a person’s height, exercise may promote physical development by stimulating the secretion of growth hormone (GH) and directing metabolism toward the utilization of lipids (1). Moreover, regular training is identified as one of the most influential elements in fostering and maximizing maturation potential, especially in children and adolescents.

Exercise can promote development by encouraging bone mineral density, which is essential for skeletal extension. The influence of exercise on height growth may vary depending on several factors, such as exercise intensity, duration, and frequency. Appropriate exercise regimens can maximize height gain possibility, especially in children and adolescents.


How does running make you taller?

This form of exercise is convenient and low-cost and requires little equipment or facilities, making it accessible for people of all ages and fitness levels. Regardless, when it comes to the relationship between running and growth period, it is vital to consider certain factors.

For children and adolescents, regular physical activity is crucial for their physical development. This workout helps build strong bones, which is especially important during growth spurts, as well as improves cardiovascular fitness and maintains a healthy weight.

Here is how your upcoming can aid growth period:

Benefit spine and core health

Firstly, running is known to be helpful for your core and spine, which can improve your posture and reduce spinal curvature. A better posture makes you appear taller and more confident.

Jogging may indirectly contribute to height growth by improving posture and encouraging a healthy lifestyle. It can strengthen the core and spine muscles, which can lead to better posture. As a result, it can make a person appear taller and improve spinal health,  preventing height loss due to age-related compression of the spine.

Additionally, maintaining good spine health is influential for overall health and well-being. Some exercises, such as back extensions and stretches, help to reinforce the spine and improve posture (1).

Promote weight loss

Running can stimulate weight loss and a leaner physique, which can also contribute to a taller appearance. A leaner body tends to look more towering than a heavier one, as it improves the ratio between your vertical and horizontal measurements. This exercise can also build upper body muscles, which can counteract the negative effects of slouching and further improve posture.

This form of exercise helps in burning calories and losing extra weight, which can make a person appear taller. It indirectly increases height by reducing excess weight. Therefore, this exercise may indirectly contribute to improving posture, making a person appear leaner and taller. Additionally, jogging has other physical and mental advantages, like improving cardiovascular health and reducing anxiety and depression.

It is essential to hold a sustainable running program to achieve weight loss goals. Gradual and moderate exercise, coupled with a healthy diet and quality sleep, is more likely to lead to endurable fitness. This exercise can be combined with other workouts, such as strength training and stretching, for optimal physique and to prevent injuries.

Weight loss has many benefits for overall health and well-being, including:

  1. Reduces the risk of chronic diseases: Heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers (2).
  2. Improves heart health: Reducing blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and the risk of heart disease.
  3. Reduces joint discomfort: Relieves joint pain and improves mobility in people with osteoarthritis.
  4. Improves sleep: Enhances sleep quality and decreases the risk of sleep apnea.
  5. Elevates mood: Boosts mood and eases symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Sustainable weight loss is achieved through a combination of healthy eating and regular physical activity, rather than relying solely on jogging or other forms of exercise. Additionally, weight loss can indirectly contribute to a taller appearance by reducing excess weight.


How to properly prepare for running

As one of the most straightforward exercises, many undermine the importance of how to properly prepare themselves for a good run. By following these tips, you can decrease the risk of injury significantly while making the most out of your jog:

Start with a warm-up

Before you begin your run, make sure to do a proper warm-up routine that includes 5-10 minutes of walking or an easy jog to increase your heart rate and blood flow. You can also add dynamic stretches or running drills to your warm-up routine to loosen up your muscles.

Hydrate properly

Staying hydrated is crucial for a successful run. Before you start, drink at least 8 to 16 ounces of water, and make sure your urine is light yellow, indicating you are well hydrated.

Get enough sleep

Aim for at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night during your training. Getting enough rest is crucial for your body to recover and be ready for the next run.

Build up your strength and stamina

It is essential to strengthening the muscles you use most when jogging, including but not limited to the quads, glutes, hamstrings, and abdominals. Focus on building up your endurance by increasing your mileage over time and gradually training your muscles to perform better.

Set goals

A fixed race date can oblige you to stay motivated and focused on your running routine. Sign up for a race, put it on your calendar, and work towards achieving your goals. It will help you stay on track, be consistent, and improve your performance.

Preparing for the next jog involves more than just putting on your sneakers and heading out. Follow these tips to help you stay safe, and healthy, and achieve your ultimate goals.


Regular participation in running exercise can have a positive impact on height gain in children and adolescents. The weight-bearing nature of jogging can stimulate bone development and promote greater bone mineral density, which can lead to improved height growth and reduced risk of osteoporosis later in life. Additionally, improvements in cardiovascular fitness and healthy weight management resulting from jogging can support overall healthy maturation. Therefore, incorporating this form of workout into an individual’s physical activity routine may be an effective strategy for promoting healthy height gain and supporting long-term bone health. Further research is needed to fully understand the relationship between running exercise and height gain, but the existing evidence suggests that it can be a beneficial component of a healthy lifestyle for young individuals.

Mike Nikko is a blogger with over 15 years of experience. I will bring you the best product reviews and other useful life experiences, tips to increase height, tips to improve health... If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mike Nikko!

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