Ferrari Komda Adult FD20277A Review - 04/2022


Ferrari Komda Adult FD20277A is a famous foldable bicycle from the famous luxury brand, Ferrari. Following the dynamic lifestyle of urban citizens, this foldable bicycle gives modern people everything they need. From practicability to sophisticated design, this bicycle is something everyone, who are looking towards a healthier lifestyle in the middle of their busy activity, wants.

If you’re planning to get in shape or just want to start a regular exercise without forcing too much, then this Ferrari Komda Adult FD20277A is a perfect choice. This sport device is light, portable, can be placed in narrow space, and highly durable to be used in any field even the rough one.

Before deciding to purchase a product, we have to pay a thorough attention toward many important aspects. For example, will the features suit our needs, how about the price, and practicability? Do the high price worth it? Therefore, we’re going to check the positive and negative aspect from this product to better understand it.

Ferrari Komda Adult FD20277A positive points:


  • Ferrari Komda Adult FD20277A fold ability and flexibility has been getting a lot of praise in many Ferrari Komda Adult FD20277A review. It can be folded within seconds and can be put in the backseat. It won’t take too much time to fix the bicycle so very ideal to your busy life style.
  • Ferrari Komda Adult FD20277A also made from a lightweight material so it’s only weight for 25 lbs. Its light weight made it very suitable to be carried around and highly portable.
  • Another positive point from Ferrari Komda Adult FD20277A is also its elegant and sophisticated design, something that’s being upheld religiously by Ferrari. So not only it’s very mobile and can be carried around, holding a folding bicycle made by Ferrari with classy design will add another positive point to your appearance. This folding bicycle is very suitable to ride during a mountain tracking with your colleague.
  • Ferrari Komda Adult FD20277A also has a good tire grip so it can be used in any field. From an even asphalt road to bumpy rocky track during mountain tracking, the bicycle can be adjusted so it’ll be versatile for any kind of track. It can be adjusted in 18 different level of speed so when you’re in hurry this bicycle can be a great help.

Ferrari Komda Adult FD20277A negative points:

  • When it comes to Ferrari Komda Adult FD20277A, or any kind of Ferrari products, we can’t ignore the fact of its high selling price. Ferrari Komda Adult FD20277A price is set at $2300, definitely a lot more expensive compared to any other folding bicycle. It doesn’t really have a feature that makes it stand out from other brand folding bicycle, so you’ll probably going to spend more on brand and prestige if you want to buy this product. Not only its expensive selling price, but also the manufacturer only gives 2 year warranty. Whereas this kind of product is prone to damage especially if being used regularly at heavy field such as rocky road.

But this product worth some consideration because of its unique and sophisticated design made by famous Ferrari brand. Something you can’t find in any other brand. The design is undeniably a reason why this bicycle stands out. That’s some pros and cons about Ferrari Komda Adult FD20277A.

Mike Nikko is a blogger with over 15 years of experience. I will bring you the best product reviews and other useful life experiences, tips to increase height, tips to improve health... If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mike Nikko!

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