Top 13 Collagen Rich Foods to Eat for Radiant and Healthy Skin - 07/2022


The secret to plump, glowing, and youthful skin that we all crave is all thanks to collagen. But like all good things, collagen production reduces with age. So, to promote collagen in the body naturally, today’s post will show you the top collagen rich foods to eat. Read on and add them to your diet for beautiful and healthy skin!

What is collagen?

Collagen is a family of proteins in the body. Similar to water, it is also the most abundant substance and stays mainly in the ExtraCellular matrix of the different connective tissues. By dry weight, it makes up mainly of the sclera, then tendons, skin, cartilage, bones, and muscle mass.

Although there are 28 types of collagen, the most important ones just include types I, II, III, IV, and V. Making up 90% of the collagen in the human body, types I and III are the most abundant and aid the maintenance and growth of skin, hair, nails, muscle, and bones. Meanwhile, type II collagen forms the fluids in the joints and cartilage.


Is collagen necessary for skin?

Yes, it is.

Collagen plays a vital role in improving skin look and health. It helps strengthen the skin as well as promote its hydration and elasticity. We all know that our body produces less collagen as we get older, and this results in dry skin and many skin issues such as wrinkles and fine lines.

By adding collagen peptides or supplements including collagen, they might help reduce the aging of your skin. Also, some supplements help stimulate the body to produce collagen as well as other proteins that improve your skin. Taking 3-10 grams of collagen daily for an average of about 70 days will lead to changes in skin hydration and elasticity [1].

The top 13 collagen rich foods to eat

Sources of collagen come in two main types, including foods that include collagen and foods that help stimulate collagen synthesis within the body. Below are the top foods we have listed for you.

Bone broth

By far, bone broth is one of the richest sources of collagen. It is a stock that is produced by boiling animal bones and connective tissues. When you eat bone broth, that means you are eating cooked collagen. And this is a potent way to restore collagen in your skin and get rid of wrinkles. Also, it is rich in amino acids that play a crucial role in producing collagen [2].

And the best part is that you can make your own bone broth at home. Remember that the longer you simmer, the more nutrient-dense your broth will be.



As a fan of lean meat, you should not miss chicken because this kind of meat can deliver your body with many necessary nutrients, especially collagen. Yes, chicken cartilage and neck are great collagen sources, so you might want to prepare chicken soup/broth/stock with these to increase collagen. Just remember to leave the skin on for collagen-increasing benefits.


Beef is one of the most abundant sources of amino acids, which are the important building blocks of connective tissue. It is also a natural source of collagen and is mainly used in the extraction process to make collagen peptides (supplements). With a 6-ounce cooked beef steak, you will get 114% of the DV for zinc, a vital mineral that your body needs to produce collagen.


Fish have ligaments and bones made of collagen, making them another natural source of collagen. Fish collagen might be preferable to collagen found in protein-included meats. The fact is, the absorbance of the fish collagen in the body is more than 1.5 times as compared to bovine or porcine sources of collagen [3]. And if you eat fish with skin, you will add a great amount of collagen to your skin, leading to a reduction of wrinkles and fine lines.


Oysters are a great source of zinc. With three ounces of oysters, you will get about 33 mg of zinc, surpassing the daily suggested zinc intake threefold. Also, oysters are a rich source of collagen-creating copper, maintaining collagen and elastin.

Egg whites

Egg whites are rich in proline, an amino acid that is necessary for the synthesis of collagen in the body. Also, it contains chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine sulfate, hyaluronic acid, and other amino acids needed for collagen production.

Known as a versatile and easy-to-prepare ingredient, you can add it to all types of the dish to boost your protein intake and collagen production.

Citrus fruits


Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, tangerine, and grapefruit are rich in vitamin C. We all know that this vitamin is necessary to link the amino acids together to create collagen. Also, it works as an antioxidant that protects against toxins that might break down and hurt the skin’s inner layer. What is more, it supports skin cell regeneration and repair.

So, try loading up your salad dressings, smoothies, or homemade vitamin water with these citrus fruits now.


Beans are a high-protein food that includes important amino acids needed for collagen synthesis. Lysine, valine, and leucine are common amino acids found in beans. Of these, lysine helps support the synthesis of collagen in the body effectively.

Leafy greens

There is no drawback to eating more greens.

All green plant foods like bok choy, kale, green beans, spinach, green algae, and lettuce include chlorophyll, which is the color that gives plants their natural green color. And consuming chlorophyll might enhance the precursor to collagen in the skin [4]. Also, they are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants that are necessary for producing collagen.



Tomatoes are also a great source of vitamin C, which protects your skin at a cellular level. But did you know that this fruit contains the antioxidant lycopene, which has been shown to provide protection against sun damage and prevent collagen breakdown?


Garlic is high in sulfur, known as a trace mineral to help synthesize and restrict the breakdown of collagen. It is worth considering adding garlic to your regular diet but avoid taking too much because it might cause an upset stomach or heartburn. Or you can change from garlic to shallots, chives, leeks, and onions since these are dietary sources of sulfur.


Although avocados do not contain collagen, they are rich in various nutrients that support collagen synthesis. One of these is vitamin E. This vitamin might prevent collagen breakdown as well as promote overall skin health. Besides, it contains vitamin C, which is necessary for collagen synthesis.


Next time you grab a handful of nuts to snack on, make sure it is cashew. These tasty nuts are chock-full of zinc and copper as well as vitamin E, vitamin K, and other antioxidants, which are essential to boost your body to produce more collagen.

The bottom line

Eating the top collagen rich foods along with foods that enhance collagen production will give you a natural weapon against wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. But if it is too difficult for you to get enough of the above foods in your diet, it is okay to take collagen supplements. Try Collagen NuBest to add 1,500 mg of collagen per day, which appears to be safe and effective to nurture your skin’s beauty and health.

Mike Nikko is a blogger with over 15 years of experience. I will bring you the best product reviews and other useful life experiences, tips to increase height, tips to improve health... If you have any questions, feel free to ask Mike Nikko!

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